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5 Motivation Killers In Business Management

When it comes to business dealings it can get complicated. You're keeping your head above waters and clients are disappearing. If you don't shape up you could slowly lose them to your competitor. Can’t figure out what’s wrong? You've owned your niche for years, but could never fully grasp the logistics. If you think your current operations still work then you may be mistaken. To your defense there could be certain aspects going unnoticed. You could be dealing with these culprits that are hurting your business.

1. Distractions

Distractions can be people, television, social media or other jobs. We lead busy lives. Things are thrown at us daily and it’s hard to cook a meal let alone work on our business goals. That’s if you’ve had any time to set any business goals. There are different versions of ourselves that allow us to fulfill several roles. We have a choice and maybe it’s time to choose wisely. If any of the distractions mention has you reserved, it must be scaled back. If it has kept your attention for quite a while, consider eliminating the distraction completely. Time is important and should be spent on marketing, project management and networking.

2. Not Organized

Do you have a client database system? Do you know how many prospects converted to sales? Does your inventory need replenishing? If you answered “uh” or “I’m not sure” to those questions, then your motivation has been hijacked. If you can’t see the forest for the trees, it’s time grab your ax. Pick one area of your business that needs the most TLC. If you do not understand where to start try a business consultant, find a book or research a few “how-to” articles online. Once you tackle one part of your business, you’ll become excited about your results. Then you’ll be able to move on to the next. Don’t forget to high-five yourself.

3. Lack of Purpose or Mission

There are several businesses who developed the brand of their dreams. This is great but it can pose a problem if the vision doesn’t have a demographic or intentional outcome. Be specific as possible. It mentally clarifies your business and creates an easy space for potential customers or outside funding. Being precise about what you, how and who you do it for is an energy booster for downtime moments. Remember the why and move forward.

4. No Market Clarity

Along with no purpose, knowing your customer is key. If you don’t know who your client is as a person, how could you offer your service? Be proactive in your research for your customer. You need to consider demographics, hobbies and interests and religious beliefs. Go deeper exploring marital status, job title, family orientation, and hobbies. Find out as much as possible so you can create your pitch and align your business for automatic success. Knowledge is power and a huge motivator.

5. Lack of Faith

Faith is the essence of life and should be implemented in your business. Faith motivates you to keep going with an idea that anything could happen. Things can work out in your favor and a positive outlook can create positive results. If you have no faith in your business re-visit steps 1-4. It’s vital to take your time with this. When you do things will begin to look and feel better. Find the courage to start somewhere within your business and watch things fall into place.

Does any of these resonate with you? Perhaps you can identify with these struggles as an entrepreneur. Don’t be like Sam. You have the ability to change the direction of your business. Seek support if you need it and become your own vision of success.

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